"I hear and I forget. I see and I remember. I do and I understand." (Confucius)

Learning through the use of the Abacus has been shown to have a positive effect on a child's cognitive development. Skills developed through the KidsBrain programme provide strong foundations for future mathematical learning, whilst also improving concentration, logical thinking and spatial awareness.
Several studies have demonstrated that students who use the abacus as a learning tool employ both hemispheres of the brain when problem solving, a veritable unlocking of the human minds hidden potential.
Students who learn mathematics with the abacus from an early age demonstrate a different and powerful approach to solving traditional mathematical problems. For a child trained in the use of the abacus, numbers and digits are now more than a mere visual representation of a quantity. The use of the abacus makes numbers far more relevant as they can now be visualised and manipulated. Each number now has a physical incarnation as beads on the abacus. The numbers are tangible and real.
Through training, calculation process becomes automatic and instinctive. Images are added and subtracted to other images and results are almost instant.
Scientists describe Plasticity as the brain's ability to change in response to repeated stimulation. For example, our brains are "wired" to respond to the sound of speech; when babies hear people speaking, the neural systems in their brains responsible for speech and language receive the necessary stimulation to organize and function (Perry, 2006). The more babies are exposed to people speaking, the stronger their related synapses become. If the appropriate exposure does not happen, the pathways developed in anticipation may be discarded. This is sometimes referred to as the concept of "use it or lose it".
The KidsBrain Programme is designed to encourage and stimulate each childs’ brain to form new neural pathways, especially “visual memory” pathways that assist in making mental calculations. At KidsBrain we believe that we must use it, use it and use it. Practice is the Key.
(*) The left hemisphere of the brain processes words and the right hemisphere of the brain processes images.